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Poem for…


***** Scrabbled Short Stories

What is this Scrabbled Short Story defined?
It’s a story on a game board aligned.

A story is many times very short,
a sharp, shouting, battling retort.

Very short sometimes is equally soft,
lowered calmly from its mighty loft.

A story can be of few words, maybe six,
as LionAroundWriting says; he’s slick.

A story can be a long sentence, or two;
although, still, it can subdue, or rattle you.

Short stories may be little in letter
and, yet, none anywhere are better.

It’s true, we know, less can be more,
even when reason closes that door.

Scrabbled Short Stories on a game board,
easy words, even hard ones, come in hordes.

We love to raise the story curtain,
and short stories lure us, for certain!

Short is good, reasonable, and lazy
when our attention, at best, is hazy.

Longer stories within us grind; we
can’t listen long — naught! — and be

willing listeners; we know important time
is limited to small, easy, little rhymes.

In the truth’s mirror, impatience, we see;
not a fitting way ever a reader to be;

still, we’ll go short on storyline everytime,
and saving explanations, too, is very fine.

From those scrabbled words on the board,
can you bring a short story sensibly forward?

(Go to
for Scrabbled Short Story fun!)


Poem, Scrabbled Short Story, and Photo from the personal and copyrighted collection of Barbara Anne Helberg